Our asset allocation strategy is carefully created to suit your risk tolerance and to take advantage of the many asset classes that lead to a balanced portfolio. We rebalance quarterly or as needed to keep your portfolio at it’s best.
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What is Asset Allocation?
Asset allocation is the implementation of an investment strategy that attempts to balance risk versus reward by adjusting the percentage of each asset in an investment portfolio according to the investor’s risk tolerance, goals and investment time frame. The focus is on the characteristics of the overall portfolio. Such a strategy contrasts with an approach that focuses on individual assets.
Managing wealth goes beyond managing money. We will focus on what’s important to you and help you build a plan to get there. Along with your financial needs, it is important to have deeper conversations around:
What do you want to personally accomplish with your wealth?
Are you sure your children share your values about wealth?
Do your parents have the long-term care they need?
Do you?
These are all important conversations. WE will work together with you to provide thoughtful advice about the issues you expect to face – and the ones you may not see coming.
In today’s world, it is important to understand how all the pieces of your complex life fit together. At Pacific Peak Advisors, we will help you make a sensible plan designed to manage your wealth, with your life in mind. Let’s work together and make your goals a reality.